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Electrical Safety Foundation International

     Welcome to theThe Electrical Safety Forum
Electrical Safety Forum

     Within this area our focus will be on the belief in Improving Safety through Education. We firmly believe that only through this path can this elusive goal even be approached. If nothing else is accomplished here let it be that you are left with some basic principles for safety and a perhaps a more Inquisitive Nature. It is not our Intent or purpose to suggest this Site as a Source for answers, but more like a Forum for raising questions and a Path to possible answers.

Our Goals are to:
  • Increase Public Awareness of the Dangers involved in not having a Healthy Respect for Electricity.
  • Include Information on New Technologies and provide some insight into advantages and necessities of Continuing Education.
  • Compile and Categorize a List of Resources and Information related to any of the above topics.

*  *  *  *  *  *  * Online Supply has Books, Tools, Test Equipment and more
Safety Related Books Test Equipment Lockout/Tagout Electrician's Tools Insulated Tools

We would like to offer our Message Boards and other resources for your use, and reach out to the Industry to invite Participation and Contribution towards these goals. We welcome any Suggestions.

      *Stop by our Message and Photo/Violations Discussion Forums

We Want your Input!